Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Out of the 47 questions on the multiple choice section of the 1987 AP Test, I got 25 correct and 22 incorrect. Honestly, thinking back to how hard I felt that the test was, I think I did pretty well. considering. I distinctly remember how the test got harder as I went along and it definitely shows in my score. Out of the first 20 questions, I missed 5. Out of the last 15 questions I missed 10...
I'm not sure if this is because of the test questions or the fact that as the test went on I got more and more discouraged. The things that really threw me off about this test were the passages in the Old English (which I really don't understand how to read even when I give it my all) and the vocabulary, which was full of words I had never seen before. To get a better score on the 2014 AP Test, I will probably need to focus more. And develop my vocabulary.

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