Wednesday, October 30, 2013


  1. Aficionado: (n)  a person who likes and knows a lot about something
  2. Browbeat: (t.v.)  to use threats or angry speech to make (someone) do or accept something
  3. Diaphanous: (adj.) characterized by extreme delicacy of form
  4. Emolument: (n)  the returns arising from office or employment usually in the form of compensation or perquisites
  5. Foray: (t.v.) to ravage in search of spoils
  6. Genre: (n) a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content
  7. Homily: (n) a usually short talk on a religious or moral topic
    : advice that is often not wanted
  8. Immure: (t.v.)  to enclose within or as if within walls
  9. Insouciant: (n) a relaxed and calm state : a feeling of not worrying about anything
  10. Matrix: (n)  something within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes form/ something (such as a situation or a set of conditions) in which something else develops or forms/ something shaped like a pattern of lines and spaces
  11. Obsequies: (n) a funeral or burial rite —usually used in plural
  12. Panache: (n)  dash or flamboyance in style and action
  13. Persona: (n)  the way you behave, talk, etc., with other people that causes them to see you as a particular kind of person : the image or personality that a person presents to other people
  14. Philippic: (n) a discourse or declamation full of bitter condemnation; tirade 
  15. Prurient: (adj) marked by or arousing an immoderate or unwholesome interest or desire; especially :  marked by, arousing, or appealing to sexual desire
  16. Sacrosanct: (adj)  too important and respected to be changed, criticized, etc.
  17. Systemic: (adj) of or relating to an entire system
  18. Tendentious: (adj)  strongly favoring a particular point of view in a way that may cause argument : expressing a strong opinion
  19. Vicissitude: (n)  the quality or state of being changeable/ a favorable or unfavorable event or situation that occurs by chance :  a fluctuation of state or condition
  20. Commensurate: (adj)  equal or similar to something in size, amount, or degree

  1. An aficionado of Shakespeare's work in my English class was the go-to guy for interpretation. 
  2. Being the oldest in my family, I'm used to browbeating my younger siblings to get what I want, though I am not proud of it. 
  3. Since our star player is recovering from a twisted ankle, we really only have a diaphanous hope of making it to the next round in CIF. 
  4. The usual emolument for the volunteer fund-raiser leader is paid in gratitude. 
  5. Before burning down the defeated village, the soldiers forayed what they could find. 
  6. Even though the book was outside her typical genre, she fully enjoyed it, appreciating the differences between what she was used to. 
  7. After finishing the Gospel reading, the priest gave a quick homily to the meaning behind the words of the text, focusing on love and forgiveness. 
  8. Immured by her fear of failure, the young girl found it heard to go outside her comfort zone, especially in school. 
  9. Knowing that she had prepared the best she could, she walked into the class of her exam with complete insouciance to the fact that it counted as 50% of her grade.
  10. The lines and wires crossed each other, forming an intricate matrix
  11. Friends and family of the victim came to mourn at the obsequies
  12. Performing the part with  great panache, she "wowed" her friends and family that came to see her perform. 
  13. I always felt like she kept a very mysterious persona; you never were quite sure what she was going to do next and why. 
  14. I never could quite look at him the same after he launches into a horrible philippic after a student was caught on their phone during his class. 
  15. His prurient interest in her personal life mostly kept her from sharing too much information with him. 
  16. The tradition is so sacrosanct in my family I can't even imagine someone suggesting to ever try it a new way. 
  17. After the sever crashed, the company had to make some systemic changed to avoid leaving all their employees without a network again. 
  18. He had a very tendentious outlook towards how the government should be ran, so I tried to mostly avoid the topic with him before big elections. 
  19. The vicissitudes of living in a big city were not so much that she felt the desire to move. 
  20. Most of all, she hoped to find a job commensurate with her abilities and knowledge of her field, which she had developed over the years. 

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