Thursday, October 3, 2013


The tale that I really saw a lot of similarities in when the Serena's group shared the story was the Miller's Tale. Just like the tale my group read, the Skipper's Tale, there was a lot of adultery going on between a wife and someone that claimed to be a "friend" to her husband. In both stories the "other man" was someone who was described as friendly and likable, but proved not to be a trustworthy individual. I think that both of these tales alluded to the idea that you can not trust even the people you think you know the best, your wife and your best friend, and that marriage isn't as sacred and holy as most people make it out to be. The thing that was the most different is that the Miller's Tale had what seemed like a humorous tone to it, with the adulterer getting branded on his butt, while the Skipper's Tale seemed less like a joke.

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