Sunday, October 13, 2013


Seems like you have quite a conundrum. In this situation, it seems like it would be the best idea to listen to your father and brother. They truly only want what is best for you and don't want you to make a precipitous decision about your prince that might end up hurting you in any way. I'm sure that your lover isn't a churlish  or gauche man when it comes to knowing how to treat you right. He just might not be in the right position to do so while still filling his prince-ly obligations. Your brother and father simply don't want you to become rancorous toward your former lover when it becomes evident he can not give you the right amount of attention you deserve. While settle for a ephemeral relationship with him when you can find a lasting one with a different guy? I think it's time to start seeing him as an anachronism and do what you can to start moving on before a saboteur set on saving his future steps in. Best of luck to you!   

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