Tuesday, August 13, 2013


1. This Levi's commercial borrows, without credit of course, from Charles Bukowski's The Laughing Heart.
2. The use of this poem by the corporate media can, in many ways, be considered ironic, especially if you know anything about Charles Bukowski. Charles Bukowski was a sort of underground poet and writer in LA in the 1950's-1960's who focused his writings on opposition to the established order and the low-lifes of LA.
3. I feel that this essay may not completely reflect the reputation of Bukowski because he is known as a tough man that focused his writing mostly on alcohol, women, and life in LA. I feel that this poem may be to optimistic and religious to come from a man like Bukowski.
4. To find the answers to questions #1 and #3, I listened to the video and Google searched the two opening lines, which lead me to the rest of the poem and the author. Then I took took the author's name, and Google searched that and clicked on his Wikipedia page and read the articles about his life and work.

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